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Alaina Leverenz, PhD

Assistant Professor of Marketing
Robert W. Plaster School of Business

Teaching, Research, & Service

2024 Mizzou 18 Award Recipient

In the spirit of service, first modeled by the University's founding families in 1839, the Mizzou Alumni Association Student Board presents the Mizzou 18 Award. This award is dedicated to honoring 18 University of Missouri graduate and professional students in the last year of their degree eligibility.

Chosen for their world-class research, collaboration with faculty and staff, and their demonstrated leadership with undergraduate students, the honorees represent a variety of majors, activities and organizations from across campus. 

Recent Publications & Presentations


Horstman, H. K., & Leverenz, A. (2024). “It's like rowing upstream in the dark:” Using metaphors from pandemic pregnancy to inform messaging for future public health crises. Communication Reports.

Leverenz, A., Bohanek, J., & Fivush, R. (2023). Love, actually: Cultural narratives expressed in emerging adults’ stories of romantic relationships. Narrative Inquiry.

Leverenz, A., & Hernandez, R. (2023). Women’s uncertainty management strategies in communication about urinary tract infections (UTIs). Qualitative Health Research.

Horstman, H. K., Leverenz, A., Morrison, S., Jordan, E., Baltazar, A., Cen, X., Charvat, E., Okafor, B., & Butauski, M.  (2023). Pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic: Communicated narrative sense-making and resilience. Health Communication. https//




Brann, M., Leverenz, A., Bute, J. J., Holman, A., & Horstman, H. K. (under revision). Using narrative to empower, educate, and make sense of reproductive loss. In L. B. Carper (Ed.), Innovative approaches to the use of narrative in health communication research.Vernon Press

Leverenz, A., Horstman, H. K., Lukowski, A., & Bohanek, J. G. (under revision). Communicated resilience enacted in mothers’ stories of their baby’s birth and diagnosis of Down syndrome.




Leverenz, A. (2024, April 5). Uncertainty management strategies in stigmatized family communication on women’s sexual health: Implications for health behaviors. Panel: The role of health communication in understanding and combatting stigma. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication.
Leverenz, A., Horstman, H. K., Bohanek, J., & Lukowski, A. (2023, November 17). Communicated resilience in mothers’ stories of their baby’s birth and diagnosis of Down syndrome. Panel: Top Papers in Family Communication. National Communication Association Convention. Sponsored by Family Communication Division.


Leverenz, A., Bohanek, J. Lukowski, A., & Horstman, H. K. (2023, March 30-April 1). Birth and diagnosis stories from mothers of children with Down syndrome: Sense-making and acceptance. Panel: The miracle of birth: Understanding the roles, identity, and sense-making of pregnancy. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference. Sponsored by Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group.


Leverenz, A., Horstman, H. K., & Holman, A. (2023, March 30-April 1). Heterosexual married couples coping with miscarriage: Understanding the roles of social support, relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, positive and negative affect. Panel: Social support: The impact on us and in our relationships. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference. Sponsored by Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group.


Miller-Day, M., Scharp, K., Pennington, N., Cooper, R. A., Wolfe, B., & Leverenz, A. (2023, March 30-April 1). Panel: Examining the promise and possibilities of mixed methods research in interpersonal and family communication research. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference. Sponsored by Interpersonal and Family Communication Interest Group.


Leverenz, A., Morrissey, B., Schemenaur, J., Taylor, S. J., Gerston, E., Pringle, M. & Okafor, B. E. (2023, March 30-April 1). Panel: Discussing experiences of “research is me-search” and personal research. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference. Sponsored by Graduate Student Caucus.


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